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Installing Lighting into a Structure

Having the right amount of light in a structure enhances its functionality and makes it a more inviting space. Greenline can install extra lighting features in a structure, including: skylights to allow for natural light, sport standard compliant LED lights, security lighting...

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Stop Vandals in their Tracks

Councils and developers are investing in a broad range of recreational facilities for communities – but how do you manage the vandalism risk to limit maintenance costs? It is a sad fact of the modern world that anti-vandalism strategies must be a key part of the planning process when designing playgrounds to limit expensive ongoing repairs. These solutions should be designed in before construction starts to maximise the life of the playground and enhance safety for all users...

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Integration of lighting in a canopy

When planning your new space, or covering in an existing one, the integration of lighting is critical for you getting the maximum potential from the space. Whether it is a space designed for learning, for assembly, for sports, play, parking or a walkway, lighting is essential for achieving complete multi-purposing...

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Planning for your capital expenditure really starts with discussion about your initial ideas for your project. Talking with Greenline during the ideas phase is the perfect starting point. We have been a part of this process with many schools and have been able to address and successfully solve just about any potential difficulty that a site can face. At this stage of the process, Greenline are purely taking an advisory or consultative role and we...

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Sun Safety

When it comes to the importance of sun-safety and how we make it part of our everyday lives, the science is definitely in. Our old, dangerous, sun-worshipping Aussie culture is now almost completely transformed. We all know the mantra; Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide by heart and these days, most of us live by it. Schools take sun safety seriously and implement a range of strategies to support school environments that protect students from the damaging effects of the sun...

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3 Tips to Help Move Lessons Outdoors

Students can demonstrate learning in hundreds of ways – it may be some chalk drawings on the ground, it may be working as a team, and doing this outdoors is a great way to allow them to express their individuality and enhance learning outcomes...

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Choosing the right colors

Choosing the colours for your new shade structure can be daunting and it can feel like a lot of responsibility. Often, your structure will be placed next to existing buildings and infrastructure which cannot be changed. There are ways to achieve unity between the old and the new. These original buildings may be…

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Turnkey Construction

Here at Greenline, we also offer a full turnkey service to get you outside and together, whatever the weather. Greenline’s turnkey option is a little different to what you might usually find in the construction industry and the difference lies in our design. First, we work closely with you during our consult phase to discuss all…

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Unprecedented Times

We keep hearing the word “unprecedented”, at the moment. And this Covid 19 global pandemic is truly that. We are explaining to our children that while it is a world that is new for them, it’s absolutely new for all the parents and teachers too! We could not have imagined even a month ago that we would be…

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Choosing the right colors

Choosing the colours for your new shade structure can be daunting and it can feel like a lot of responsibility. Often, your structure will be placed next to existing buildings and infrastructure which cannot be changed. There are ways to achieve unity between the old and the new. These original buildings may be…

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3 Tips to Help Move Lessons Outdoors

Students can demonstrate learning in hundreds of ways – it may be some chalk drawings on the ground, it may be working as a team, and doing this outdoors is a great way to allow them to express their individuality and enhance learning outcomes...

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Turnkey Construction

Here at Greenline, we also offer a full turnkey service to get you outside and together, whatever the weather. Greenline’s turnkey option is a little different to what you might usually find in the construction industry and the difference lies in our design. First, we work closely with you during our consult phase to discuss all…

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Integration of lighting in a canopy

When planning your new space, or covering in an existing one, the integration of lighting is critical for you getting the maximum potential from the space. Whether it is a space designed for learning, for assembly, for sports, play, parking or a walkway, lighting is essential for achieving complete multi-purposing...

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Planning for your capital expenditure really starts with discussion about your initial ideas for your project. Talking with Greenline during the ideas phase is the perfect starting point. We have been a part of this process with many schools and have been able to address and successfully solve just about any potential difficulty that a site can face. At this stage of the process, Greenline are purely taking an advisory or consultative role and we...

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Sun Safety

When it comes to the importance of sun-safety and how we make it part of our everyday lives, the science is definitely in. Our old, dangerous, sun-worshipping Aussie culture is now almost completely transformed. We all know the mantra; Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide by heart and these days, most of us live by it. Schools take sun safety seriously and implement a range of strategies to support school environments that protect students from the damaging effects of the sun...

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Stop Vandals in their Tracks

Councils and developers are investing in a broad range of recreational facilities for communities – but how do you manage the vandalism risk to limit maintenance costs? It is a sad fact of the modern world that anti-vandalism strategies must be a key part of the planning process when designing playgrounds to limit expensive ongoing repairs. These solutions should be designed in before construction starts to maximise the life of the playground and enhance safety for all users...

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Unprecedented Times

We keep hearing the word “unprecedented”, at the moment. And this Covid 19 global pandemic is truly that. We are explaining to our children that while it is a world that is new for them, it’s absolutely new for all the parents and teachers too! We could not have imagined even a month ago that we would be…

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Installing Lighting into a Structure

Having the right amount of light in a structure enhances its functionality and makes it a more inviting space. Greenline can install extra lighting features in a structure, including: skylights to allow for natural light, sport standard compliant LED lights, security lighting...

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